Robo Soccer

Overview & Purpose
Robo soccer, also known as robot soccer or soccer robotics, is an interdisciplinary field that involves designing, building, and programming robots to play soccer autonomously. Initial level of robotics where students will be learning about walking, balancing, controlling and other activities.
The concept of Robo Soccer emerged in the early 1990s, One of the first significant initiatives was RoboCup, an international initiative founded in 1997. The RoboCup competition was designed to be a platform for advancing the state of the art in robotics and artificial intelligence. It set the goal of developing a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that could win against the human World Cup champions by the year 2050.
In India there has been growing interest in Robotics, and some educational institutions and organizations actively participate and organize robo soccer competitions.
FIRA – The Federation of International Robo – soccer Association
FIRA is an international organization, organizing competitive Robo – soccer competition between autonomous robots this competition is usually played in 5-a side format.
- From 1998 through 2008, it was called the FIRA Cup, and in 2009, it became the FIRA RoboWorld Cup. The 15th RoboWorld Cup was held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore, India in September 2010.
Education Standards
- Integration of Multiple Discipline Learnings
- Hands – On Experience
- Enjoyable and creative learning Experience
- Science: Students learn about the principles of physics, mechanics, and electronics involved in building and operating robots.
- Technology: They gain hands-on experience with programming languages, sensors, and actuators to control the robots.
- Engineering: Designing and building the physical structure of the robots requires engineering skills, including problem-solving and iterative design.
- Mathematics: Calculations related to angles, distances, and speed are integral to the programming and control of the robots.
- Arts: Creative aspects come into play when designing the appearance of the robots, their strategies, and team logos.
Scientific Principle
It’s important to note that the specific role of DPDT switches in robo soccer depends on the design and requirements of the robot. A DPDT or Double Pole Double Throw switch includes two inputs & four outputs where every input has two equivalent outputs. This switch is very versatile because each terminal in this switch can be either in one of two positions. The inputs of this switch can connect to four different outputs, so it can redirect a circuit into two different modes of operation. This switch is the combination of two SPDT switches.
How does DPDT Switch Work?
DPDT or Double pole, double throw switches will break or make the two conductors connected to two separate circuits. In this switch, DP switches control two independent circuits whereas DT switches close a circuit in the up & down position.

To control a DC motor, first, we need to connect the motor to a switch. Generally, DPDT has six terminals whereas DC motors has two terminals. Here, the switch terminals are represented with A, B, C, D, E, F & G
The working of this motor can be done in two ways like forward rotation and reverse rotation.
- Motor Control:
- DPDT switches can be used to control the direction of the motors in a robot. By connecting the positive and negative terminals of the motors to different poles of the switch, the robot’s movement direction can be easily switched between forward and reverse.
- Directional Control:
- In robo soccer, robots need to navigate the playing field, and DPDT switches can help control the direction of movement. By using the switch to change the polarity of the power supplied to the motors, the robot can move forward or backward.
Forward Rotation
Once the switch is pressed in forward direction then terminal-A is connected to terminal C whereas terminal B is connected to terminal D. Therefore, the DC motor rotates in forward direction because the battery is allied in forward connection toward the motor

Backward Rotation
Once the switch is pressed in the reverse direction, terminal-C is connected to terminal-E & also terminal-D is connected toward terminal-F. Therefore, the DC motor rotates in the reverse direction because the battery is allied in reverse connection toward the motor.
